The pistol is 8 5/8 inches in length and weighs 3pounds fully loaded, with a maximum range of 1,500yards, and a maximum effective range of 50 yards.THE 9MM SERVICE PISTOLIn 1985, the armed forces selected a 9mm pistol toreplace the .45-caliber pistol. The pistol selected is asingle- or double-action semiautomatic hand weapon.As soon as the pistol is fired, either in single or doubleaction, the slide automatically comes back and cocksthe hammer. To fire the pistol again, all you have to do ispull the trigger. The 9mm pistol has a large magazinecapacity—it can hold 15 rounds in the magazine. Slotsin the magazine help the user know the number ofrounds that remain.Description and Technical DataAs you know, the 9mm service pistol is a semi-automatic, magazine-fed, recoil operated, double-action pistol. The pistol fires one round each time thetrigger is pulled. The energy needed to operate the pistolcomes from the recoil, which is created by the rearwardforce of expanding gases of a fired round. The double-action feature lets you fire a weapon when the hammeris in the forward position, the safety is in the fireposition, and the trigger is pulled. The magazine holds15 cartridges. When the last cartridge from the mag-azine is fired, the slide remains locked to the rear. Lookat the following chart for the technical data of the 9MMservice pistol.Safety DevicesThe 9mm service pistol is equipped with three typesof safety features—the ambidextrous slide safety, thefiring pin block, and the half cock notch.AMBIDEXTROUS SAFETY.—This safetyallows for safe operation of the pistol by both right- andleft-handed users. It lowers the hammer safely withoutcausing an accidental discharge. When the hammer iscocked, it may be safely lowered by moving the safetyto the safe (down) position. When the safety is in the fire(up) position, a red dot will be visible indicating that thepistol should be handled with caution (red you’redead).FIRING PIN BLOCK.—This safety prevents anymotion of the firing pin and is only overcome by pullingon the trigger. Both the firing pin and the firing pin blockhave a notch cut into them. The firing pin block remainsin the firing pin notch and prevents any motion of thefiring pin. When you pull the trigger, the firing pin blockis pushed upward and aligns its notch with the firing pinso that the firing pin can move forward to strike theprimer of a round.HALF COCK NOTCH.—This safety preventsaccidental discharge. The half cock notch is located onthe hammer. If a cocked hammer should fall forwardbecause of a mechanical failure, the half cock notchwould catch on the sear before the hammer strikes thefiring pin and prevent an accidental discharge of thepistol.LoadingThe 9mm service pistol incorporates single- anddouble-action modes of fire. With the safety in theFIRE position, in the double-action mode, squeezing11-13Student Notes:COMPONENT TECHNICAL DATACaliber9 x 9mm (9mm NATO)Diameter of bore .356 in.Length 217 mm (8.54 in.)Width 38 mm (1.50 in.)Height 140 mm (5.51 in.)Weight with 15-roundmagazine1,134 g (2.50 lb.)Weight with emptymagazine960 g (2.12 lb.)Barrel length 125 mm (4.92 in.)Muzzle velocity 375 m/sec (1,230 ft/sec)Maximum effective range 50 m (45.7 yd)Cyclic rate of fire 1,100 rpmTrigger pull 4 to 6.5 lb single actionand7.5 to 16.6 lb doubleaction
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