the trigger will automatically cock and fire the pistol.Always keep your finger away from the trigger unlessyou intend to fire. The safety should be in the downposition (the red dot not visible), which indicates thatthe pistol is in a safe condition before loading. With thepistol pointing in a safe direction and the slide in itsforward position, follow the steps listed below.WARNINGAlthough rare, it is possible that the safety maybecome disengaged during the loadingprocedure. Make sure the safety is on afterloading.UnloadingTo unload the 9MM service pistol, follow the stepslisted below.Unloading the MagazineTo unload the magazine, hold the magazine usingone hand, with the front end forward. With yourthumb, press firmly on the cartridge rim and pushforward. Repeat this procedure until the magazine isempty.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. How many rounds will a .45-caliber pistolmagazine hold?11-14Student Notes:STEP ACTION1 Insert a loaded magazine into the magazinewell of the pistol until you hear a click. Thisensures a proper catch engagement.2 Grasp the serrated portion of the slide withthe nonshooting hand (fig. 11-17).3 Pull the slide all the way to the rear (fig.11-18).4 Release the slide. This will strip a cartridgefrom the magazine and chamber a round (fig.11-19).Figure 11-17.—Grasping the serrations of the slide.Figure 11-18.—Pulling the slide to the rear.Figure 11-19.—Releasing the slide.STEP ACTION1Place the safety in the safe position.2 Depress the magazine release button toremove the magazine from the pistol.3 With the pistol pointing in a safe direction,grasp the slide serrations and fully retractthe slide to remove the chambered cartridge.4 Use the right thumb and push upward on theslide stop to lock the slide to the rear, andvisually inspect the chamber to ensure that itis empty.
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