Q2. The .45 caliber pistol was designed to be used as___________________________.Q3. List the three safety features of the 9mm servicepistol.a.b.c.Q4. You are loading your pistol. The safety should bein what position?SHOTGUNSLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the safety practices to follow whenusing shotguns.Shotguns (fig. 11-20) are being used by the Navy insecurity guard work. Shotguns are the weapons ofchoice for short-range work, which includes therequirement to protect vital nuclear propulsion systemsand nuclear weapons. The advantage of shotguns overpistols/revolvers is that sight alignment is not so critical.Each trigger pull of a shotgun expels anywhere fromnine to hundreds of projectiles (shot). These projectilescover a wide area. The characteristics of the M870shotgun are shown in the following chart:NOTEMake certain you load the M870 with theproper ammunition. For example, many peoplehave been injured by a shotgun loaded with asmaller gauge shell. This smaller shell goes partway down the barrel and cannot be fired. Theuser thinks a misfire has occurred and chambersthe proper size shell. Firing the weapon causesthe gun to explode because the smaller shell isan obstruction. Serious injury or death couldoccur.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONQ1. What advantage does a shotgun have over otherfirearms?MARKSMANSHIPLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the firing techniques for rifles andpistols.Identify the shooting positions.Marksmanship training gives you proper informationand instruction on how to be a safe and effective shooter.Good shooting, whether on the firing range or in combat,depends on your knowledge and use of basicmarksmanship principles. These principles are interrelatedand must be practiced each time you fire a shot.11-15Student Notes:COMPONENT CHARACTERISTICM870 shotgunA manually operated, magazine-fed(tubular), pump-action shoulderweapon.Length–Overall 39 inchesBarrel 20 inchesAmmunitionFour rounds of 12-gauge , 2 ¾ inchin the magazine. Normal ammunitionissue is 12 gauge, 00 buckCrossbolt SafetyFigure 11-20.—M870 shotgun.
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