Squeezing the trigger correctly is not as easy as itmay appear; the technique must be fully mastered. Tohelp you remember the correct technique, the acronymBRASS was developed (see chart above).FIRING TECHNIQUES—PISTOLGood pistol shooting, like rifle shooting, dependson your ability to master and apply certain basicmarksmanship skills. You must practice theseskills—aiming, position, and trigger squeeze—often.Apply these fundamentals of marksmanship! If yourlife ever depends on how well and accurately you shootthe pistol, you might walk away alive.Aiming the PistolAiming the pistol consists of combining propersight alignment with the correct aiming point to obtain acorrect sight picture.SIGHT ALIGNMENT.—Sight alignment is bestdefined as placing the front and rear sights into correctalignment with the eye. The top of the front sight is levelwith the top of the rear sight, and the body of the frontsight is centered between the rear sight aperture (fig.11-31). Correct sight alignment is essential for accuracybecause of the short sight radius (about 6 1/2 inches).For example, if a 1/10-inch error is made in aligning the11-20Student Notes:Trigger hand Grasp the stock or pistol grip firmly, but without strain, so the trigger finger has the propersupport to overcome trigger weight. An unnatural, straining grasp causes excessive muscletension in the hand, which results in a tremor that is transmitted to the weapon.Trigger (index)fingerMake contact with the trigger where the contact produces a movement straight to the rear(usually between the first joint and the tip). (NOTE: The trigger finger must not touch thereceiver or rifle.)Line up thesights and applypressure on thetriggerGradually increase the pressure until the hammer releases and the shot fires. (NOTE: If,during this process, the sights drift off the target, interrupt the trigger squeeze but maintainthe pressure. When the sight picture is correct, continue the squeeze until you fire the shot.)B BREATHProper breathing is essential. It helps you relax, steadies your aim, and clears your vision.First, take a normal breath; then release part of it (enough to be comfortable); and hold theremainder. Do not hold your breath for more than 10 seconds before shooting. This maytense your muscles and blur your vision. If you do not shoot during this breathing period,take another normal breath and repeat the procedure.R RELAXYou must relax. The more relaxed you are, the better your shot will be.A AIMConcentrate on the proper sight alignment of the correct sight picture. Focus your eye on thefront sight post (blade).S SLACKSome rifles have a certain amount of slack in the trigger. Take up this slack before startingyour squeeze to the rear to fire. The M16 trigger slack is insignificant, and this step isgenerally omitted when firing that weapon. Knowing your weapon is important.S SQUEEZESqueeze the trigger as previously described. If you squeeze it properly, you will not knowwhen the round will fire. This will prevent flinching, caused by anticipation of the shock, orrecoil, from the exploding cartridge.
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