front sight in the rear sight, the bullet will miss the pointof aim by almost 15 inches at 25 yards of range.AIMING POINT.—The correct aiming point,when you fire at a bull’s-eye target at 25 yards, is a 6o’clock sight picture. At 15 yards, bring the aimingpoint well up into the black. When you fire at an “E”type of silhouette target, the aiming point is in the centerof the target.CORRECT SIGHT PICTURE.—A sight pictureis the pattern of the pistol sights in relation to the targetas you aim the pistol. A correct sight picture combinescorrect sight alignment and correct aiming point (fig.11-31). When you are aiming, your eye cannot focussimultaneously on three objects (rear sight, front sight,and bull’s-eye) at different ranges. Therefore, the lastfocus of the eye should always be on the front sight. Youwill see the front and rear sights sharp and clear, but thebull’s-eye will appear to be a bit hazy.NOTEIf sight alignment is correct, the bullet willstrike the bull’s-eye even if the sight picture ispartially off center but still touching thebull’s-eye.Since it is physically impossible to hold the weaponperfectly still, you must learn to apply trigger squeezeand to maintain correct sight alignment while theweapon is moving around the bull’s-eye. Thismovement is referred to as the wobble area. You mustaccept this wobble area, or movement, trying to keep itto a minimum.PositionTo position yourself properly for firing the pistol,you need to know how to grip the pistol correctly andhow to position your body in relation to the target. Onlythe standing position will be covered in this sectionbecause it is the one used in qualification. However, thepistol can also be fired accurately from the kneeling,standing, and sitting positions. The pistol may begripped with either a one-hand grip or a two-hand grip.STANDING POSITION ONE-HAND GRIP.—To assume the standing position using the one-hand grip(fig. 11-32), face the target squarely and then execute anexaggerated half-left face (about 50°). Spread your feetabout shoulder width apart until you’re standingcomfortably. Your legs should be straight, but not stiff,and your hips should be level. Extend the index finger ofyour shooting hand and point it at the target, forming a Vwith the thumb and forefinger. Adjust your stance untilyour finger points naturally, without muscle tension, atthe center of the target. Pick the pistol up with your otherhand and place it in the V of your shooting hand.11-21Student Notes:Figure 11-31.—Correct sight alignment and sight picture.Figure 11-32.—Standing position (pistol).
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