correctly, you are not concentrating properly on sightalignment and trigger squeeze.REVIEW 5 QUESTIONSQ1. When you have properly aligned your sights,what is the relationship between the front sightand the rear sight?Q2. The distance between your eye and the rear sightis referred to as the _____________.Q3. Why is it sometimes necessary to blacken sightsduring sighting and aiming exercises?Q4. List the three standard positions for shooting.a.b.cQ5. List the three sitting positions for shooting.a.b.c.Q6. What is the single most important factor in goodmarksmanship?Q7. What does the acronym BRASS mean?Q8. When sighting with a pistol, how should the topof the front sight align with the rear sight?SUMMARYIn this chapter, you have learned about varioussmall arms used by the Navy. You may never have theoccasion to use small arms; then again you may usethem every day in your routine aboard a ship. It isimperative that when using small arms, you ALWAYSabide by all prescribed safety precautions. The use ofsafety equipment is also essential. Respect small arms,but don’t be afraid of them. They can be your best sourceof personal defense in times of trouble if handledproperly. All the small arms used by the U.S. Navy aremanufactured to have a high degree of reliability if theyare cared for and maintained properly. Propermaintenance could mean the difference between yoursmall arm working properly or jamming at criticalmoments.Take advantage of every opportunity you may haveof going to a rifle or pistol range. The more familiar youbecome with small arms, the better you will be able tohandle them safely. The more you shoot, the better youwill become.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. When handling a firearm, you should nevercarry the weapon by the muzzle.A2. The protective gear you should wear when firinga weapon includes—a. hearing protection andb. safety goggles.11-24Student Notes:
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