CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. Every firearm used by Navy personnel hassome type of safety device built in.1. True2. False2. Which of the following is the prime cause ofaccidental shootings?1. Faulty gun2. Faulty ammunition3. Alcohol or drug use by the user4. Negligence or carelessness of the user3. Which of the following are acceptable earprotective devices?1. Insert type2. Circumaural type3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Cotton type4. The M14 rifle is best described by which ofthe following groups of characteristics?1. Medium weight, recoil-operated,magazine-fed, and fully automatic2. Medium weight, gas-operated, clip-fed,and capable of semiautomatic and fullyautomatic fire3. Lightweight, recoil-operated, clip-fed, andsemiautomatic4. Lightweight, gas-operated, magazine-fed,and capable of semiautomatic or automaticfire5. Which of the following types of ammunitionis used with the M14 rifle?1. 7.62-mm NATO cartridge2. 20-round magazine3. M76 grenade launcher4. Each of the above6. What is the maximum range of the M14 rifle?1. 2,500 yards2. 3,250 yards3. 4,075 yards4. 5,250 yards7. The M16A1 and M16A2 rifles are bestdescribed by which of the following groups ofcharacteristics?1. Clip-fed, recoil-operated weapons2. Magazine-fed, recoil-operated shoulderweapons3. Magazine-fed, gas-operated shoulderweapons4. Clip-fed, gas-operated weapons8. For what size cartridge is the M16A1 riflechambered?1. .38 caliber2. .45 caliber3. 5.56 mm4. 7.62 mm9. What is the maximum magazine capacity ofthe M16A1 rifle?1. 15 rounds2. 25 rounds3. 30 rounds4. 35 rounds10. What is the muzzle velocity of the M16A1 andM16A2 rifles?1. 2,500 feet per second2. 3,000 feet per second3. 3,500 feet per second4. 4,000 feet per second11. What means is used to adjust the rear sights ofthe M16A2 rifle?1. A windage drum2. A windage knob and an elevation knob3. A clip lever marked range4. A slide adjust to windage12. What is the first step to take when handlingany weapon?1. Point the selector lever toward SAFE2. Remove the magazine3. Visual check of the chamber4. Lock the bolt open11-27
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