37. Which of the following firing positions is mostuseful when you are firing downhill?1. Sitting2. Standing3. Kneeling38. What is the key to trigger control?1. Squeeze the trigger smoothly, gradually,and evenly straight to the rear2. Placing the finger at the very tip of thetrigger3. Constant pressure on the trigger4. Squeeze the trigger quickly and evenlystraight to the rear39. Remembering which of the followingacronyms will help you remember correctshooting techniques?1. AIM2. RELAX3. BRASS4. SLACK40. You should take a breath, let out a little air,and then hold your breath until you fire yourrifle. However, if you haven’t fired within 10seconds, what should you do?1. Breath normally and continue squeezingthe trigger2. Take another breath and start the aimingprocedure over3. Let out more air and firmly jerk the trigger4. Continue holding your breath and start theaiming procedure overQUESTIONS 41 THROUGH 43 REFER TOF I R I N G T E C H N I Q U E S F O R T H E 9 m mSERVICE PISTOL.41. What is a correct sight picture?1. Correct sight alignment and correct aimingpoint2. Off center to the target3. Bottom of the picture4. Top of the picture42. The pistol can be accurately fired from howmany positions?1. Two2. Three3. Four4. Five43. Missing the target is most often caused by1. sight misalignment2. bent barrel3. improper trigger squeeze4. bad ammunition11-30
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