REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1.The M-14 rifle is chambered to fire the 7.62-mmNATO cartridge.A2.Fully loaded, the M-14 weighs 11 pounds.A3. Identify the following rifle components as eitherM16A1 or M16A2:A4.The first step in cleaning the M16 rifle is to pointthe selector lever toward SAFE.A5.The M16 rifle carries 20 or 30 rounds ofammunition.A6. When loading the M16 rifle, you shouldn’t ridethe charging handle forward because the boltmay fail to lock.A7. When the selector is set for burst, the M16A2fires three rounds.A8. The conditions that must exist to consider theM16 rifle clear include—a. No case or rounds is/are in the chamberb. The magazine is outc. The bolt carrier is to the reard. The selector lever is on the SAFE positionA9.The cleaning materials for the M16 are stored inthe rifle stock.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1.A .45-caliber pistol magazine will hold sevencartridges.A2. The .45-caliber pistol was designed to be used asan individual weapon for close use.A3. The three safety features of the 9mm servicepistol are—a. Ambidextrous safetyb. Firing pin blockc. Half cock notchA4. When loading your pistol, you should make surethe safety is in the down position.REVIEW 4 ANSWERA1. The shotgun has the advantage of being able toexpel anywhere from nine to hundreds ofprojectiles covering a wide area.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1.When you have properly aligned your sights, thetop of the front sight is level with thehorizontal center line of the rear sight, and thebody of the front sight is centered between therear sight aperture.A2. The distance between your eye and the rear sightis referred to as eye relief.A3. At times, it’s necessary to blacken sights duringsighting and aiming exercises to reducereflection and glare.A4. The three standard positions for shooting are—a. Standingb. Kneelingc. Sitting11-25Component Riflea. Has a lighter barrel because ofthe ammunition firedM16A1b. Rear sights are adjusted bymeans of a windage knob andelevation knobM16A2c. Has a semiautomatic or burstfeatureM16A2d. Fires a 5.56-mm round and a62-grain roundM16A1M16A2
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