All DCTT members
In-port emergency teams (IETs)
Rescue and assistance (R&A) detail
Repair party personnel
D a m a g e c o n t r o l p e t t y o ffi c e r ( D C P O )
All hands
Shipboard training by the DCTT is scheduled,
exe c u t e d , a n d d o c u m e n t e d t o m e e t t h e t y p e
commanders (TYCOMs) requirements. The DCA
maintains records of all DC personnel qualification
standards (PQS) accomplishment for all hands.
All ships instructions relating to casualty
prevention and response are either drafted by or drafted
for and reviewed by the DCA. This review is made
before seeking the approval and signature of the ships
CO. The DCA is the resident expert for the engineer
officer and the command on instructions relating to
casualty prevention and response. The DCA
administers the following billets and programs: DCPO,
gas free engineer (GFE), fire marshal and fire
prevention, and the operation of damage control central
(DCC) and supporting watches.
The damage control division is responsible for the
damage control systems and equipment on board ship.
The DCA is the senior member (division officer) of the
DC division. As such, the DCA oversees all the paper
work and the scheduling for maintenance of these
systems and equipment.
Damage Control Petty Officer (DCPO)
A petty officer, who has completed the PQS, is
designated as the damage control petty officer (DCPO)
based on TYCOM instructions. Each work center has a
DCPO. Division officers nominate DCPOs for
endorsement by the chain of command. The XO gives
the final approval for the nomination, replacement, and
rotation of all DCPOs. DCPOs normally serve for a
period of 6 months; they check with the fire marshal and
DCA when first assigned to or relieved from this duty.
The DCPO is responsible for
Acquainting themselves with all phases of the
ships damage control, firefighting, and defense
Assisting with the instruction of division
personnel in damage control
Firefighting, egress, and CBR procedures
Ensuring the preparation and maintenance of
damage control checkoff lists for all spaces
under their cognizance
Supervising the setting of specified damage
control material conditions within division
spaces and making all required reports
Weighing portable CO
bottles, inspecting and
testing damage control and firefighting
equipment, and preparing all required reports for
approval of the division officer based on current
ships instructions and planned maintenance
system (PMS) requirements
Ensuring all battle lanterns, dog wrenches,
spanners, and other damage control equipment
are in place and in a usable condition in all
division spaces
Ensuring all compartments, piping, cables, and
damage control equipment are properly
stenciled or identified by color codes based on
NSTM, chapter 079, volume 2, and
Specifications for Ships of the United States
N a v y,
NAV S E A S 9 Q Q O - A A - S P N - 0 1 0 /
Gen-Spec, chapters 505, 507, and 602
Ensuring the posting of safety precautions and
operating instructions in required division
Assisting the division officer in inspection of
division spaces for cleanliness and preservation
and assisting in the preparation of required
Student Notes: