Q2. Where is the battle station for the DCA?Q3. During GQ, DCC receives reports and casualtystatus from—Q4. What is the minimum requirement to be amember of the in-port emergency team?Q5. What are the primary missions of the rescue andassistance team?Q6. What is the ship’s highest state of readiness?COMMUNICATIONSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the communications devices usedduring damage control evolutions.Recognize the purpose of communicationsdevices used during damage control evolutions.Communications are vital to the damage controlorganization. Without good communications, the entireorganization could break down and fail in its primarymission. The size and complexity of the surface shipsgovern the design of DC communications systemsf o u n d a b o a r d s h i p . M a j o r s h i p b o a r d D Ccommunications systems are as follows:NOTEAll the systems listed below are explained indetail in chapter 4 of this TRAMAN.Sound-powered telephonesIVCSShip’s service telephonesAnnouncing systemsIntercommunications systemsDC WIFCOMEMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONSThe X40J is an emergency damage controlcommunication system. It’s employed in the event ofprimary, auxiliary, and supplementary communicationscircuit failure. The X40J is composed of both portable(“salt and pepper” line) and permanently installed(risers) components.ALARMSThe general announcing system (1MC) isintegrated with a system of alarm signals. The signalsoverride the microphone control stations and areintended to notify the ship’s crew of imminent danger.These alarms, in order of priority, are as follows:1. Collision2. Chemical attack3. General4. Flight crashCollision AlarmThe OOD/conning station sounds this alarm signalwhen there is a possibility that the ship will run into apier, run aground, or another waterborne unit will strikethe ship. All hands should move away from the area ofimpact and brace for shock. After a collision, all handsset material condition ZEBRA and are prepared tocontrol fires and flooding.Chemical Attack AlarmThe chemical attack alarm signal is sounded by theOOD/conning station, DCC, and automatically by thechemical agent point detection system (CAPDS) on12-9Student Notes:
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