Law enforcement duty, 4-3
accepting responsibility, 1-4
continuum, 1-2
counseling, 1-11
followership, 1-3
fundamentals, 1-1
human behavior, 1-5
individual worth, 1-6
personal qualities, 1-3
Limited duty officer, 4-4
Logs, POOW, 8-4
Mandatory turn-in repairables (MTR), 7-17
Master-at-arms, 6-3
Material identification, see Supply procedures
Military organization other than Department of the
Navy, 5-1
Military standard requisitioning and issue procedure
(MILSTRIP), 7-11
Naval organization, 5-9
operating forces, 5-12
shore establishment, 5-14
Navy enlisted classification (NEC), 4-1
Personal excellence program, 3-3
Personnel qualification standards (PQS), 1-13
Petty officer of the watch (POOW), 8-1
Petty officer quality control program, 4-2
Petty officers authority, 2-1
general, 2-1
lawful orders, 2-2
organizational, 2-1
Petty officers insignia, see Insignia
Petty officers responsibility, 2-3
reporting violations, 2-7
redress of grievances/complaints of
wrongs, 2-6
Police petty officer, 8-20
Procurement, see Supply procedures
Qualifications history, 4-8
Quarterdeck, POOW, 8-4
Record of emergency data, 4-6
Responsibility, petty officers, 2-3
reporting violations, 2-3
Rules of the road, POOW, 8-19
Safety, organizational, 6-1
Safety, POOW, 8-13
Section leader, 8-20
Security, POOW, 8-11
Service record, 4-6
Shore patrol, 8-21
Small arms, POOW, 8-12
Special evolutions, POOW, 8-15
Special material identification code (SMIC), 7-4
Special programs and projects, 4-3
Special warfare community, 4-4
Stock and control numbers, 7-2
Suicide prevention, 3-13
Supervisory skills, 1-7
conflict resolution, 1-11
continuous improvement, 1-13
evaluating performance, 1-11
feedback, performance, 1-9
leadership continuum, 1-2