1-20. If 20% of your people are causing 80% of the
problems, how much of your administrative
time can you expect to spend dealing with
this same 20%?
1. 20% to 30%
2. 40% to 50%
3. 60% to 70%
4. 80% to 90%
1-21. When counseling a subordinate, which of the
following is NOT a key point to remember?
1. Be a good listener
2. Keep the individuals problem
3. Help the individual grow in self-
4. All problems are solvable in one session
1-22. During counseling you allow the subordinate
to determine the direction of the session.
What type of counseling session is this?
1. Self-directed
2. Nondirected
3. Undirected
4. Informal directed
1-23. The Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS)
is designed to qualify a Sailor for a specific
watch station at what level?
1. Minimum
2. Maximum
3. Intermediate
4. Expert
1-24. Which of the following methods is
used for record keeping in PQS?
1. Chart only
2. Computer only
3. Either 1 or 2 above
4. Sign-off page
Values is one of the themes used as the
foundation for the Leadership Continuum
course. Which of the following themes is/are
also used as the foundation?
1. Responsibility and authority
2. Unity of command, Navy, and services
3. Continuous improvement
4. All of the above
1-26. When deciding on a method of teaching,
which of the following factors must you
1. Nature of the trainee
2. Subject matter
3. Time limitations
4. All of the above
1-27. Detailed information on the duties and
responsibilities of a training petty officer
can be found in what document?
Standard Organization and Regulations
of the U. S. Navy
Personnel Qualification Standards
Management Guide
3. OPNAVINST 3500.34
1-28. During class discussions and directed class
discussions, what method of instruction is
1. Telling
2. Lecturing
3. Facilitating
4. Demonstrating
1-29. During a class discussion, what questioning
technique should be used?
1. Yes or no
2. Thought provoking
3. Closed ended
4. Intimidating