82-11. Information on personal financialmanagement can be found in whatOPNAVINST?1. 1740.52. 5100.13. 5500.54. 6100.12-12. Who set up and established the FamilySupport Program in 1979?1. President of the United States2. U.S. Congress3. Department of Defense4. CNO2-13. The Family Support Program does NOTinclude which of the following services?1. Family Service Center2. Equal Opportunity Program3. Family Home Care Program4. Casualty Assistance Program2-14. Family Service Centers (FSCs) are onall bases with which of the followingminimum number of active-duty personnel?1. 1002. 5003. 1,0004. 1,5002-15. FSCs offer programs for married SailorsONLY.1. True2. False2-16. FSC has an information and referralspecialist who provides assistance andmakes specific referrals for servicesand programs available at which of thefollowing facilities?1. Military bases2. Civilian community agencies3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Seagoing commands2-17. The subject of spousal employment iscovered as part of the FSC’s preventiveeducation and enrichment program.1. True2. False2-18. Short-term counseling is offered throughFSC in which of the following areas?1. Personal problems2. Financial problems3. Marital problems4. All of the above2-19. Who established the Family AdvocacyProgram (FAP)?1. President of the United States2. U.S. Congress3. Department of Defense4. Chief of Naval Operations2-20. Which of the following goals are relatedto FAP?1. Domestic violence prevention2. Victim safety and protection3. Rehabilitative education and counseling4. All of the above
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