2-21. FAP should be informed of all alleged
cases of abuse and neglect.
1. True
2. False
2-22. The Family Home Care (FHC) Program
allows spouses of Navy members to provide
day care for children in their homes.
1. True
2. False
2-23. NAVPERSCOM provides insurance
coverage for child care providers at a
nominal fee.
1. True
2. False
2-24. The nature of naval service dictates that
members must be ready to deploy on short
notice. Therefore, single parents and dual
military couples with dependent children
must provide which of the following
1. Family Care Plan Certificate
2. Will
3. Power of attorney
4. All of the above
2-25. The broad purpose of the Casualty
Assistance Program is to offer support
to the next of kin of Navy members
involved in a casualty.
1. True
2. False
2-26. Officers must have a minimum of how many
years of service to be a casualty assistance
calls officer?
2-27. The objective of the Equal Opportunity (EO)
Program is to promote positive command
morale and quality of life and to provide an
environment in which all personnel can
perform to the maximum of their ability
unimpeded by any institutional or individual
biases based on racial, ethnic, gender, or
religious stereotypes.
1. True
2. False
2-28. Equal opportunity must aim toward a Navy
environment in which consideration and
treatment are equal to all on the basis of
individual effort, performance, conduct,
diligence, and talents.
1. True
2. False
2-29. The Command Managed Equal Opportunity
(CMEO) Program ensures that equal
opportunity exists at the unit level. CMEO
is a tool for detecting and preventing
1. True
2. False
2-30. Final responsibility for the effectiveness
of the command assessment team remains
with what person?
1. Commanding officer
2. Executive officer
3. Command Managed Equal
Opportunity Officer
4. Command master chief
2-31. Sexual harassment is NOT allowed in
which of the following situations?
1. On or off duty
2. On base/ship
3. Off base/ship
4. All of the above