ADVERSARYAn opponent; an enemy.
AMPLIFYTo make larger or more powerful;
increase. To add to, as by illustrations; make
BAROMETERAn instrument for measuring
atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather
CARDIORESPIRATORYRelating to the heart and
the respiratory system.
CELESTIALOf or relating to the sky or visible
heavens (the sun, moon, and stars are celestial
COGNIZANTFully informed; conscious.
CONCURRENTHappening at the same time as
something else; operating or acting in conjunction
with another.
CONSTRUCTIVEPromoting improvement or
CONSUMABLERoutine items used on a
continuous basis, i.e., office supplies and cleaning
CONTAMINATETo make impure or unclean by
contact or mixture.
COUNTERMEASUREA measure or action taken
to counter or offset another one.
DECONTAMINATETo make safe by eliminating
poisonous or otherwise harmful substances.
DEFICIENCYThe quality or condition of being
deficient; incompleteness or inadequacy.
DELEGATINGEntrusting to someone else.
DIGNITARYA person of high rank or position.
DISCIPLINARIANOne who enforces order.
DOSIMETERAn instrument that measures and
indicates the amount of x-rays or radiation absorbed
in a given period.
ENDORSEMENTSomething, such as a signature or
voucher, that endorses or validates.
EVOLUTIONA gradual process in which
something changes into a different and usually
more complex or better form; a movement that is
part of a set of ordered movements.
FEEDBACKEvaluative or corrective information
about an action or process.
FLAMMABLE MATERIALA material that is
capable of burning gas or vapor.
FORECASTTo estimate or calculate in advance,
especially to predict (weather conditions) by
analysis of meteoro-logical data.
GRIEVANCEA complaint or the formal expression
of a complaint.
GRIEVOUSOppressive, serious, or grave.
HM)Any material that, because of its quantity,
concentration, physical, chemical, or infectious
characteristics may pose a substantial hazard to
human health or the environment when released or
material, liquid, solid, or gaseous, which is no
longer usable for its original intended purpose or
which has been contaminated by a foreign
INSIGNIAA badge or emblem of authority or honor.
INTERVALA space between two objects, points, or
units; the amount of time between two specified
instants, events, or states.
JURISDICTIONThe limits or territory within
which authority can be exercised.