DRILL COMMANDS AND MILITARYBEARINGA good drill command is loud enough to be heardby everyone in the unit. Make it a practice to speak tothe person farthest away from you. Take pains to bedistinct. A mumbled command will only result inconfusion and an unmilitary-like execution. Learn tospeak with assurance. Give your preparatory commanda rising inflection; deliver your command of executionwith sharp emphasis.If you make a mistake or two the first time you drillyour unit, no harm is done provided you rememberyour mistakes. You will find that the more often youdrill the unit, the more confident you will become.To maintain a sharp military formation, observethe following practices:Present a smart appearance, whether you areexercising the formation at drills or only marching awork detail.Observe the formation constantly. Correctmistakes immediately but pleasantly.Stand far enough away from your unit to see allof them but close enough to detect mistakes and beheard by all.Do not keep the formation in any one position toolong. Face them away from the sun, if possible.When not marching, give your command whilestanding at attention.Permit no smoking in ranks. Allow talking onlywhile the group is at rest or when marching at route step.MILITARY COURTESIES ANDFORMATIONSLearning Objective: Recall how to perform militarycourtesies as a formation leader.You should now feel secure in issuing the basicdrill commands to your division. You are ready topresent the division at an inspection, quarters, or aceremonial event. Additional information on drills andceremonies can be found in the Drill and CeremoniesManual and Interior Guard Manual, SECNAVINST5060.22.INSPECTIONSWhen your division falls in to a formation, the ranksshould be formed according to height with the tallestpersonnel at the end of the formation (opposite from theend where the inspecting party will arrive). Usually, thetallest person will be on your left as you face theformation. Have the division open ranks and stand atparade rest while awaiting the inspecting party. You or8-29MRP3F05114123567829410611812101312Figure 8-9. From column of twos to single file.Q18.Which of the following entities make up aplatoon?1.Two or more squads2.Platoon headquarters3.Guide4.All of the aboveQ19.For quick time, at the command MARCH,step off smartly with the left foot andcontinue the march in steps of what length ininches?1.252.303.354.40REVIEW QUESTIONS
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