REVIEW ANSWERSA1.(1) No rule exists about the number ofparagraphs one unit of information shouldcontain. No matter how many paragraphs youwrite, be sure to follow the rules fororganization and continuity.A2.(4) The CO, OIC, or person acting in eitherposition must sign the following documents:those which establish policy, those whichcenter on changes to the command’s mission,and those required by law for regulation suchas the ship’s deck log.A3.(2) The POOW is the primary enlistedassistant to the OOD when the ship is in port.The POOW assists the OOD in carrying outthe ship’s daily routine and ensuring thesecurity and safety of the ship.A4.(4) A ship’s deck log has both historicalimportance and legal standing. It may beused at times in naval, admiralty, and civilcourts. In an incident involving the ship, thelog may be the only available evidence uponwhich to base a legal decision.A5.(1) The overall responsibility for the deck logbelongs to the OOD. OODs must sign thedeck log at the end of the watch to show reliefof the watch and validity of entries.A6.(1) In the case of a bomb threat, informationis the key to disarming and avoidingcatastrophe. Information such as who, what,when, and most certainly, where, should beobtained.A7.(1) If the pistol has a lanyard attached to it,keep the lanyard around your neck until yourrelief has positive control of the pistol. Thenremove the lanyard from around your neckand place it around the neck of your relief.This effort prevents the pistol from beingdropped and damaged.A8.(4) Special evolutions involve many out ofthe routine events that occur aboard ship.A9.(4) Side boys are not paraded on Sunday oron other days between sunset and 0800 orduring meal hours of the crew, general drillsand evolutions, and periods of regularoverhaul, except in honor of civil officials andforeign officers.A10.(1) In any periods of actual or forecasted highwinds and seas, hurricanes, or tidal waves, theheavy weather bill will be in effect.A11.(2) The heat from your body can affect theheight of the liquid column and give anerroneous temperature reading.A12.(2) Winds measured at 39 to 54 miles perhour constitute a gale warning.A13.(2) As the POOW, you are responsible forreporting any kind of pollution.A14.(2) To ensure the lights are working properly,all lights must be checked 30 minutes beforesunset.A15.(3) Depending on the size or class of the ship,you may not be assigned as a section leaderuntil you become a second class petty officer.Aboard larger ships with large sections youmay have to wait until you become a firstclass petty officer. Therefore, being assignedas a section leader depends upon the size ofcommand and number of personnel in yoursection.A16.(4) The police petty officer’s dutiesencompass areas such as cleanliness ofdivisional berthing and stowage areas, holdingreveille, maintaining silence after taps andmaintaining order.A17.(1) Any time you apprehend a member of theopposite sex, communicate immediately withheadquarters for instructions.A18.(4) A platoon consists of two or more squads,a platoon headquarters, and a guide.A19.(2) Quick time is cadence at 120 steps (12,15, or 30 inches in length) per minute.A20.(3) Usually, the tallest person will be on yourleft as you face the formation.A21.(2) Quarters is a little more informal than aninspection.8-32
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