When an officer persists in violating regulations orrules of conduct after being duly and politely warned,the officer should be addressed as follows: “Sir (orma’am), it is necessary that I obtain your name,organization, and station, and check youridentification.” After obtaining the data, salute andthank the officer. If the officer refuses to give suchinformation or continues to create a disturbance, thenproceed as previously discussed.APPREHENDING MEMBERS OF THEOPPOSITE SEX.—The shore patrol must observethe following rules when taking armed forcespersonnel of the opposite sex into custody:Physical contact should be avoided. If force isabsolutely necessary for restraining the person or takingthe service member to patrol headquarters, the utmostcare must be used.In connection with any offense the interrogationand/or search of a service member will be conducted,whenever possible, by or in the presence of a servicemember of the same sex. Members of the opposite sexwill remain outside the search area but in close proximity.The only exceptions to this rule may be in demandingcircumstances where an imminent danger to life orproperty exists and/or the facts and circumstances of theinvestigation necessitate an immediate interrogationwhen no service member of the same sex is available.Anytime you apprehend a member of theopposite sex, communicate immediately withheadquarters for instructions.CLOSE-ORDER DRILLLearning Objective: Recall the procedures forconducting a close-order drill.On occasion you will be required to take charge ofa group of Sailors ashore and march them to a workdetail, to the dispensary, or to and from classes at atraining command. You also may have to take charge ofsuch a group to prepare them for a parade or ceremonyand observing military courtesies. When you are incharge of such a unit, you must give the propercommands at the right time to ensure that the unitmoves with precision and smartness.DEFINITIONSYou should familiarize yourself with the followingdefinitions. You need not learn them word for word, butyou must understand them.SQUAD: A squad at full strength normallyconsists of 12 persons.SECTION: A section consists of two or moresquads.PLATOON: A platoon consists of two or moresquads, a platoon headquarters, and a guide.PLATOON HEADQUARTERS: A platoonheadquarters consists of a platoon petty officer and oneor more assistants.COMPANY: A company consists of two or moreplatoons.HEAD: The head is the leading element of acolumn.CADENCE: Cadence is a rhythmic rate of marchat a uniform step.QUICK TIME: Quick time is cadence at 120 steps(12, 15, or 30 inches in length) per minute. Quick timeis also the normal cadence for drills and ceremonies.DOUBLE TIME: Double time is cadence at 180steps (36 inches in length) per minute.SLOW TIME: Slow time is cadence at 60 steps perminute and is used for funerals only.SNAP: In drill, snap is the immediate and smartexecution of a movement. In commands or signals,quality inspires immediate response.COMMANDS: The two basic types of commandsare the preparatory command, such as Forward, whichindicates the type of movement to be made, and thecommand of execution, such as MARCH, whichcauses the desired movement to be made. For clarity,preparatory commands are printed in bold and the firstletter is capitalized (Forward); commands of execution8-24Q17.After apprehending members of the oppositesex, what should be done as soon as possible?1.Communicate immediately withheadquarters for instructions2.Request a member of the same sexto make apprehension3.Request a member of the same sexto interrogate4.Interrogate apprehended memberyourselfREVIEW QUESTION
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