Dial TerminalThe dial terminal provides services that can be mosteasily compared to that provided by a dial telephonesystem. The dial telephones terminals (fig. 4-9) areconnected to ICSCs. They are used similar to acommercial dial telephone with push-button dialing.Terminal AccessoriesThere are several types of accessories designed foruse with the dial and network terminals. Theseaccessories include headsets, handsets, spray-tightenclosures that permit the installation of the terminals inexposed areas, and loud speaker units. The loudspeakerunits (fig. 4-10) are designed for use with either the dialor network terminals. Both units are equipped withpress-to-talk switches. Additionally, by depressing thehands-free push switch on the unit, the operator cancommunicate without using the press-to-talk switch.This permits you to communicate without a handset orheadset.INTERIOR COMMUNICATIONSSWITCHING CENTER (ICSC)The ICSCs are the heart of the IVCS. They performthe switching actions necessary to connect the callingparty to the called party, similar to the automaticswitchboards of a dial telephone system. Figure 4-11shows the relationship between ICSC and the IVCS.4-12Student Notes:Figure 4-8.—Network terminal.Figure 4-9.—Dial terminal.Figure 4-10.—Loudspeaker units.
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