The following is an example of how to operate theintercom. You are on the signal bridge at the 24MCtransmitter (fig. 4-13), and you want to call conn. First,you push the selector button marked CONN on thedesignation plate. We will assume the line is clear foryour message, which means that a steady red lightappears over the signal bridge selector button at the conntransmitter. When the operator at conn pushes the signalbridge button, the signal lights at both stations begin toflash. Now you can operate the PRESS-TO-TALKswitch and start your message. Any other stationattempting to cut in gets the flashing busy signal.4-15CIRCUIT SYSTEM CIRCUIT SYSTEM1MCGeneral35MCLauncher captains’2MCPropulsion plant39MCCargo handling3MCAviators40MCFlag administration4MCDamage control42MCCIC coordinating5MCFlight deck43MCUnassigned6MCIntership44MCInstrumentation space7MCSubmarine control45MCResearch operations8MCTroop administration and control46MCAviation ordnance and missilehandling9MCUnderwater troop communication47MCTorpedo control18MCBridge49MCUnassigned19MCAviation Control50MCIntegrated operational intelligencecenter21MCCaptain’s command51MCAircraft maintenance and handlingcontrol22MCElectronic control52MCUnassigned23MCElectrical control53MCShip administration24MCFlag command54MCRepair officer’s control26MCMachinery control55MCSonar service27MCSonar and radar control56MCUnassigned29MCSonar control and information57MCUnassigned30MCSpecial weapons58MCHangar deck damage control31MCEscape truck59MCSAMID alert32MCWeapons controlTable 4-2.—Shipboard Announcing SystemsStudent Notes:
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