REVIEW 5 QUESTIONSQ1. List the terminal devices used with IVCS.a.b.Q2. What is the purpose of the ICSC within theIVCS?COMMUNICATIONS SECURITYLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify basic communications securityprocedures.Communications security is defined as the protectivemeasures taken to deny unauthorized persons informationderived from telecommunications of the United Statesgovernment that are related to national security and toensure the authenticity of each telecommunication.Classified information may not be discussed intelephone conversations except as may be authorizedover approved secure communications circuits. When indoubt about the classification of information necessary toanswer a question asked in a telephone conversation, youshould say nothing. When answering a telephone on anonsecure communications circuit, you should informthe caller that the telephone is nonsecure. For example:“Quarterdeck, USS Never Sail messenger of the watchspeaking, sir this is a nonsecure telephone.”ANNOUNCING ANDINTERCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMSLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the purpose and use of theannouncing and intercommunication systems.The general purpose of shipboard announcing andintercom systems, circuits 1MC through 59MC, is totransmit orders and information between stations withinthe ship by amplified voice communication by either acentral amplifier system or an intercommunicationsystem. A central amplifier system is used to broadcast4-13Student Notes:Figure 4-11.—IVCS block diagram.
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