REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the three categories of sound-poweredphone circuits.a.b.c.Q2. An XJZ circuit is what type of circuit?Q3. List four tips that you should use to be a goodphone talker.a.b.c.d.Q4. Sound-powered phone circuits are like a partyline; therefore, some phone talker disciplinesmust be followed. List four types of gooddiscipline.a.b.c.d.Q5. A sound-powered-phone circuit has to be clearedto transmit an important message. What shouldthe sender say over the circuit?Q6. When you receive a message, what is the properresponse?DIAL TELEPHONESLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize the purpose of dial telephones.Identify the procedures to follow when using dialtelephones.At home, ashore, and at sea, the telephone is a partof everyone’s life. It is an important and essentialinstrument in every Navy office, and you must knowhow to use it properly. By observing propertechniques, you will give and receive informationcorrectly and quickly. Remember, the success of atelephone conversation depends almost entirely uponyour ability to express yourself in words; whereas,when speaking to a person directly, your facialexpressions, gestures, and the like, help get your pointacross.TYPES OF DIAL TELEPHONESDifferent types of dial telephones currently in useare shown in figure 4-7. The desk set is used instaterooms, cabins, offices, and similar areas. Abulkhead-mounted telephone can be used in anystation except those on weather decks. It is anonwatertight unit that should not be exposed to theweather. A bulkhead-mounted telephone, is asplashproof unit that may be installed on weatherdecks and other areas exposed to moisture. All thephones in figure 4-7 are type ‘G’ telephones, generaluse.USE OF THE DIAL TELEPHONESGood telephone technique starts with answeringyour telephone as promptly as possible. Don’t let itring several times while you finish what you are doing.After lifting the receiver, you should speakimmediately to the person calling. Identify yourselfwhen answering the telephone; usually the personmaking the call will tell you who is calling. Thisprocedure puts the conversation on a business-likebasis and eliminates that hazy feeling one has whenunsure of the identity of the person on the other end.4-9Student Notes:
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