ReceivingWhen receiving a message, first repeat back themessage, identify yourself, and then acknowledge themessage.“Prepare to anchor in fife minutes; foc’sle, aye.”“Slack off stern line; fantail, aye.”Both Sending and ReceivingThe following are examples of sending andreceiving a message:“Fantail, bridge; report the status of slacking off thestern line.”“Report status of slacking off the stern line; fantail,aye; stern line is slack”“Main engine control, bridge; report which boilersare on the line.”“Report which boilers are on the line; main enginecontrol, aye; wait.”“Bridge, main engine control; boilers too, tree, andfo-wer on the line.”“Boilers too, tree, and fo-wer on the line; bridge,aye.”RepeatsWhen a message is not clear to the listener at thereceiving end, the receiver should say, “Say again.” Forexample, damage control central wants repair two tosend a submersible pump to repair three. The centraltalker says, “Repair too, central; send one submersiblepump to repair tree.”Repair two does not understand this message, so thetalker there says, “Central, repair too; say again.”Central repeats the message and repair twoacknowledges by saying, “Send one submersiblepump to repair tree; repair too, aye.”SpellingDifficult words are spelled by using the phoneticalphabet preceded by the prowords (procedural words)“I spell.” Pronounce the word before and after spellingit. For example:“Foc’sle-I spell—FOXTROT OSCAR ROMEOECHO CHARLIE ALFA SIERRA TANGO LIMAECHO, Foc’sle.”Temporarily Leaving the CircuitWhen a phone talker is relieved by another talker,the phone talker must request permission to changephone talkers. If a talker is exchanging a faulty set ofphones for a good set, the phone talker must requestpermission to change phones.“Bridge, after steering; request permission tochange phone talkers.”“Bridge, combat; request permission to changephones.”Once the talker has been given permission to go offthe circuit and the talker rejoins the circuit, the reportgiven is,“Bridge, combat; back on the line.”SecuringBefore securing the phones, you must always getpermission.Fantail asks, “Bridge, fantail; request permission tosecure.”Bridge says, “Request permission to secure; bridge,aye; wait.”The bridge talker gets permission from the OOD forthe person on the fantail to secure, then says,“Fantail, bridge; secure.”Fantail replies, “Fantail, aye; going off the line.”4-8Student Notes:
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