ANTI-FLASH CLOTHINGAnti-flash clothing (fig. 12-11) is used to protectpersonnel from high temperatures resulting from theuse of explosive weapons and from burns caused by fire.The clothing consists of the following two items:1. Anti-flash hood2. Anti-flash glovesFIRE HOSE STATIONA fire hose station (fig. 12-12) is commonlyreferred to as either a fire station or a fireplug. The firehose station is the location of a fireplug and associatedequipment. Branches of the firemain system supplywater to the fire hose stations throughout the ship.Generally, fire hose stations aboard frigates and largerships have 1 1/2-inch fireplugs and fire hose stationsaboard ships larger than frigates have 2 1/2-inchfireplugs.P-100 PUMPThe P-100 pump is a diesel-engine-drivenportable pump unit. It’s designed for firefighting (fig.12-13) and limited dewatering (fig. 12-14) functionsaboard ships.12-24Figure 12-12.—Fire hose station.Figure 12-11.—Anti-flash clothing.
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