A3. Most cases of spontaneous combustion involvethe process of rapid oxidation.A4. The three methods of heat transfer are—a. Conductionb. Radiationc. ConvectionREVIEW 7 ANSWERSA1.A2. Sea water is the most available heat-removingagent for shipboard use.A3. AFFF was developed to combat class B fires.A4. CO2is the primary agent to disrupt the firetriangle of class C fires.A5. Water fog is an effective agent against a class Dfire.REVIEW 8 ANSWERSA1. The purposes of the following items are asfollows:a. Damage control shoring chest. A chest that isdivided into compartments for storingmaterials used for shoring.b. P-100 pump. The P-100 pump can be usedto fight fires or to dewater spaces.c. Firefighter ensemble. The firefighterensemble protects personnel from shortduration flames, heat, and falling debris.d. Anti-flash clothing. Anti-flash clothingprotects personnel from heat caused byhigh explosive weapons and from burnscaused by fire. There are two items thatmake up anti-flash clothing—anti-flashgloves and the anti-flash hood.e. Fire hose station. The fire hose station iswhere the fireplug and associatedequipment is located.12-28MATERIALSCLASSES OF FIREa.Hydraulic fluidBb.Energized circuit boardCc.PaperAd. GasolineBe.MagnesiumDf.ClothAg. TitaniumD
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