A5. The DCPO is responsible for making sure thatall battle lanterns, dog wrenches, spanners, andother damage control equipment are in place andin a usable condition within their division.A6. Before anyone enters a poorly ventilated space orvoid, the gas free engineer(GFE) certifies thespace as safe.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. The battle phase of damage control starts whenthe ship receives actual damage.A2. The battle station for the DCA is DCC/CSS.A3. DCC receives reports and casualty status fromrepair parties.A4. The minimum requirement to be a member of thein-port emergency team is to be repair partyqualified.A5. The primary missions of the rescue andassistance team are to assist persons from thewater, other units in distress, and otherpersons or activities in distress ashore.A6. General quartersis the highest state ofreadiness.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The X40J circuitry is commonly referred to asthe salt and pepper line.A2. The alarms that can override the microphonecontrol of the IMC are thea. Collisionb. Chemical attackc. Generald. Flight crashA3. When all communications systems fail,messengers are used to deliver messages andorders between repair lockers and DCC.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. Survivability of the ship can be ensured bycompartmentation.A2. The three basic material readiness conditionsare—a. XRAYb.YOKEc. ZEBRAA3. Material condition XRAY provides the leastamount of watertightness.A4. Normally, YOKE is set at sea and in port duringwartime.A5. Material condition ZEBRA is set when GQ issounded.A6. DOG ZEBRA fittings are closed to set darkenship.A7. To find a list of all DC fittings within acompartment, you should refer to thecompartment checkoff list.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. The EEBD is designed to provide 15 minutes ofair.A2. You should stay away from open flames whenyou first remove an EEBD because your hair issaturated with oxygen and could catch fire.A3. When donning an EEBD, you should hear ahissing sound.A4. Engineering watch standers wear a SEED.A5. The effective time of an OBA is 45 minutes.A6. You pull the cotter pin on an OBA after thecanister has been inserted in the OBA andlocked in place.REVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1. Fire prevention is the responsibility of all hands.A2. The three components that make up a fire are—a. Heatb. Fuelc. Oxygen.12-27
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