In chemical warfare (CW) operations, chemicalagents cankill or disable personnel by affecting theirblood, nerves, eyes, skin, lungs, or stomach. Biologicalwarfare (BW) operation agents includemicroorganisms, fungi, toxins, and microtoxins tocause diseases that will kill or produce other casualties.Nuclear weapons produce explosions of great force andheat and release nuclear radiation.Many types of weapons and methods may be usedto deliver chemical and biological agents and nuclearbombs. The use of two or more different types ofweapons to deliver these agents may be used at the sametime. Missiles having long-range attack capabilityprovide a means of delivering chemical, biological, andnuclear weapons that can be launched in almost anymanner by land, sea, and/or air units.Chemical agents have been placed in projectilesand used effectively. A similar possibility exists withbiological agents; however, for technical reasons itappears that the most probable method of delivery is byaerosol.CHEMICAL WARFARELearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify terms used with chemical warfare (CW).Identify types of CW.Identify the effects of CW agents.Identify self-aid and first-aid methods forcountering nerve, blister, and choking agents.CW agents are used to produce death, injury,temporary incapacitation, or irritation effects. Broadlyspeaking, there are two types of antipersonnelagents—casualty and incapacitating. Some of the typesof CW agents are described in table 13-1.13-2Student Notes:AgentNameAgentTypePhysicalPropertiesPhysiological EffectsRelativeRate ofActionSarin NerveColorlessodorless,volatileliquidDifficulty breathing, excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye(miosis), blurred vision, headache and nausea leading to respiratorydistress, convulsions, and eventually death.Rapid(withinminutes)VXNerveColorlessodorless,lowvolatility,oily liquidDifficulty breathing, miosis, blurred vision, headache and nausealeading to respiratory distress, convulsions, and eventually death.Relativelyrapid(within 30minutes)MustardBlisterGarlic odor,mediumvolatility,oily liquidBlisters or irritates skin, eyes, and lungs.Delayedonset (4-6hours)HydrogencyanideBloodAlmondodor, highlyvolatile gasPrevents the normal transfer of oxygen from the blood to bodytissue resulting in respiratory paralysis.Rapid(withinminutes)Table 13-1.—Characteristics of Selected CW Agents
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