The degree of fever varies with the individual,depending on the person’s resistance. However, feverdoes serve as a rough guide to the severity of infection.Often a violent chill precedes the fever. Whether thechill occurs or not, fever is usually one of the earliestsymptoms.Malaise is a feeling of bodily discomfort andweakness. There may be nausea, dizziness, loss ofappetite, and general aches and pains.Inflammation is caused by the reaction of bodytissues combating and sealing off an infection. In almostevery case there is pain, redness, and swelling. Sometypes of infection result in a characteristic rash, makingit possible for a doctor to make an early diagnosis.REVIEW 2 QUESTIONSQ1. BW is the intentional use of(a) ________________ to disable or destroy (b) _________________.Q2. What is the disadvantage an enemy has whenusing BW agents?Q3. List the symptoms of biological disease in itsearly stages.a.b.c.NUCLEAR WARFARELearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able—Recall the terms used with nuclear warfare.Identify the types of nuclear warfare and theeffects of nuclear weapons.Identify self-aid and first-aid methods forcountering the effects of nuclear radiation.Recall the difference between radiological andradiation contamination.13-7Student Notes:Disease(common name)CausativeAgentPhysiological EffectsTime toeffectAnthraxBacillusanthracisMild fever and fatigue, worsening to severe respiratorydisorders, high fever and excessively rapid pulse rate. Deathcan occur within 5-12 days of exposure if left untreated.Pulmonary anthrax is fatal more than 90% of the time.1-5 daysPlagueYersiniapestisFever, headache, and rapid heart rate, followed by pneumoniaand hemorrhaging in the skin and mucous membranes.Untreated plague pneumonia fatalities approach 100%, butearly treatment can reduce mortality to as low as 5%.2-3 daysTularemiaFrancisellatularensisSymptoms include fever, chills, headache and muscular pain.Untreated tularemia can result in 30-60% mortality; treated,the mortality rate is reduced to 1%.3-5 daysBotulinum ToxinClostridiumbotulinumInitial symptoms include extreme weakness, nausea,headaches, and intestinal pain leading to respiratory paralysisthat may cause death.2-26 hoursTable 13-2.—Characteristics for Selected BW Agents
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