DAMAGE CONTROL SHORING CHESTEach repair station has a damage control shoringchest (fig. 12-15). The chest is divided into threecompartments to separate the different tools andmaterials needed for shoring.REVIEW 8 QUESTIONQ1. Describe the purpose of the following items.a. Damage control shoring chestb. P-100 pumpc. Firefighter ensembled. Anti-flash clothinge. Fire hose stationSUMMARYA ship lives or dies depending on its crew’s abilityto combat a wide range of casualties, and thesecasualties are not restricted to times of conflict.Casualties can occur while moored in your homeport,at anchorage overseas, or during a routine peacetimedeployment. The requirement for every person onboard, from the commanding officer to the fireroommessenger, to have a good, basic knowledge of damagecontrol procedures and constant training and drills incombating shipboard casualties is essential to theship’s survival. This training and preparationdemonstrated during the Persian Gulf crisis savedseveral U.S. Navy ships that sustained considerabledamage. If these crews had not been trained in damagecontrol, these ships and most likely a large portion oftheir crews may have been lost.The proper use of the closure log is just asimportant as knowing how to don an OBA or use a firehose. The business of damage control is serious. Learnit well; your life, the lives of your shipmates, and yourship depend on it.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The damage control organization is divided intothe—a. Administrative organizationb. Battle organizationA2. The purpose of the administrative phase of DCis to establish and maintain materialreadiness conditions.A3. The engineer officer is responsible formaintaining properly trained DCPOs, repairparties, and repair locker personnel.A4. The XO is the senior person assigned as teamleader on DCTT.12-26Figure 12-15.—Damage control shoring chest.Student Notes:
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