1115. Report of Fraud
Any suspicions of fraud, collusion, or improper
conduct in matters concerning supplies and repairs
should be reported to the proper authority.
1121. Disclosure, Publication and Security of
Official Information
Naval personnel may not make speeches or write
anything that might disclose information of interest to
foreign countries or that would aid persons with claims
against the United States. If naval personnel publish
articles on Navy, political, or international subjects,
they must state the views are theirs and not those of the
Navy. When such articles are accepted for publication,
personnel must forward a complete copy of each article
to the Secretary of the Navy.
1122. Adverse Matter in Officer Fitness
Reports and Enlisted Performance Evaluation
Information of an adverse nature should not be
entered in the record of a person of the naval service
unless the member was first afforded an opportunity to
submit a written statement regarding the matter. Certain
medical and dental entries are excepted.
1125. Inspection of the Record of a Person in
the Naval Service
The record of a person in the naval service
which is maintained by the Chief of Naval
Personnel or the Commandant of the Marine
Corps shall be available for inspection by the
person or a duly authorized agent, designated as
such in writing by the person.
1126. Correction of Naval Records
Any military record in the Department of
the Navy may be corrected by the Secretary of
the Navy, acting through the Board for
Correction of Naval Records, when the
Secretary considers that such action should be
taken in order to correct an error or to remove an
Applications for corrections may be made
only after exhaustion of all other administrative
remedies afforded by law or regulation.
1127. Control of Official Records
No person, without proper authority, shall
withdraw official records or correspondence
from the files, or destroy them, or withhold
them from those persons authorized to have
access to them.
1129. Records of Fitness
Records of fitness reflect each officer and enlisted
persons fitness for service and fitness for the
performance of duties. These records are used to
determine promotions and duty assignments.
1132. Compliance with Lawful Orders
All persons in the naval service are required
to obey readily and strictly, and to execute
promptly, the lawful orders of their superiors.
1133. Language Reflecting on a Superior
No person in the naval service shall use
language that may tend to diminish the
confidence in or respect due to his or her
superior officer.
1134. Exchange of Duty
An assigned duty may not be changed with another
person (such as trading watches) without permission
from proper authority.
1135. Relations with Foreign Nations
Naval service members must conform to
international law and precedents set by the United
States in its relations with foreign nations.
1136. Foreign Religious Institutions
Navy personnel visiting foreign nations must
respect that countrys religious institutions and
Student Notes: