concerted action for the attainment of a common goal.Each individual understands how to fit into theorganization as a whole. The members understand oneanother through the sharing of common knowledge.They are bound together by a unity of will and interestexpressed by their willingness to follow and obey theirleader. A group so organized is effective, not only for thespecific purpose intended, but also for an emergency.Thus, a gun crew may be readily converted into a repairparty for carrying out any essential job within itscapabilities; a company of midshipmen may be turnedinto a fire-fighting organization. A well-disciplinednaval unit responds automatically to an emergency andis not subject to panic.PUNISHMENTLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall the Navy’s concept of punishment.Based on the Navy’s concept, punishment is notpersonal, vindictive, or inflicted as revenge formisconduct. The Navy realizes punishment cannot rightthe wrong resulting from an act of dereliction (failure).The value of punishment is the object lesson thepunishment teaches the wrongdoer and others—theoffense must not be repeated. That concept is referred toas the deterrent theory of punishment.To accomplish its purpose, punishment must beconsistent and just and must be recognized as such bythe recipients and their shipmates. Punishment shouldneither be of such a nature that it lowers self-esteem, norshould it be so severe that it is out of proportion to theoffense. Recipients of Navy punishment should keeptwo facts in mind:1. Personnel are punished only as a result of theirmisbehavior, and2. They will not be punished again if they learn toconform to Navy standards of conduct.The administration of punishment is not personal;therefore, those who administer it should be shown nomalice (hate). They are carrying out their duties asrequired by Navy Regulations.REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. What method does the Navy use to help Sailorswork as a unit with maximum efficiency?Q2. What is the purpose of discipline in the military?2-5Student Notes:Figure 2-1.—The results of discipline are shown in prompt and correct action in an emergency,and especially in battle efficiency.
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