1064. Detail of Enlisted Persons for Certain
Petty officers will not be detailed to perform mess
duties, except when nonrated persons are unavailable.
1101. Demand for Court Martial
Except as otherwise provided in the
Uniform Code of Military Justice, no person in
the naval service may demand a court martial
either on him- or herself or on any other person
in the naval service.
1102. Limitations on Certain Punishments
Instruments of restraint, such as handcuffs,
chains, irons and straitjackets, shall not be
applied as punishment. Other instruments of
restraint may not be used except for safe custody
and no longer than is strictly necessary
The punishments of extra duties and hard
labor without confinement are not performed
on Sunday, although Sunday counts in the
computation of the period for which such
punishments are imposed.
Guard duty shall not be inflicted as
1104. Treatment and Release of Prisoners
Persons in confinement must not be subjected to
cruel or unusual treatment. They must be visited at least
once every 4 hours to check on their condition and to
care for their needs. In the event of an emergency, they
may be removed to a safe area or released within the
limits of the command. No greater force than that
required to restrain or to confine an offender should be
used to take into custody a person under the influence of
alcohol, marijuana, narcotic substances, or other
controlled substances.
1105. Places of Confinement
Prisoners must be confined only in brigs or other
facilities designated as naval places of confinement by
the Secretary of the Navy. In case of necessary
temporary confinement, the senior officer present may
authorize confinement in spaces that provide sufficient
security, safety for both prisoner and guards, and
adequate living conditions.
Persons under the influence of alcohol or other
drugs should not be confined in any place or manner that
may be dangerous to them in their condition.
1110. Standards of Conduct
All Department of the Navy personnel are
expected to conduct themselves in accordance
with the highest standards of personal and
professional integrity and ethics. At a
minimum, all personnel shall comply with
directives issued by the Secretary of Defense
and the Secretary of the Navy regarding the
Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics.
1111. Pecuniary Dealings with Enlisted
No officer should have any dealings involving
money with enlisted persons except as may be required
in the performance of the officers duties or as involved
in the sale of personal property. An officer may be
designated by superior authority to accept deposits from
enlisted personnel for the purpose of safeguarding those
funds under emergency or operational situations.
1112. Lending Money and Engaging in a Trade
or Business
Naval personnel must not lend money to another
member of the armed services at an interest rate, for the
period of the loan, that exceeds 18 percent simple
interest per year. Personnel may not act as a salesperson
or an agent or engage in a business on board without
permission of the commanding officer.
1113. Endorsement of Commercial Product or
Except as necessary during contract
administration to determine specification or
other compliance, no person in the Department
of the Navy, in his or her official capacity, shall
endorse or express an opinion of approval or
disapproval of any commercial product or
Student Notes: