510.5 Armed Forces Identification Cards and
Leave Papers
No person without proper authority shall:
a. Have in his/her possession more than
one properly validated Armed Forces
identification card.
b. Depart on liberty without his/her own
properly validated identification card; or, in the
case of leave, without his/her own properly
validated leave papers and identification card.
c. Have in his/her possession a false or
unauthorized identification card; or a
mutilated, erased, altered, or not properly
validated identification card; or an
identification card bearing false or inaccurate
information concerning a name, grade, service
number, or date of birth.
d. Return from leave without depositing
his/her leave papers with the proper authority.
Any person returning without an identification
card shall report the loss to the OOD in person.
510.14 Customs
Upon arrival of a naval unit in United
States territory after visiting a foreign port, it is
subject to customs and other inspections by
Federal authorities.
a. On
declarations will be distributed to all hands in
sufficient time to be filled out and returned
before arrival in port.
b. It shall be the duty of all personnel to
accurately complete customs declarations prior
to arrival in port.
c. No person, without permission from
the commanding officer, shall bring on board
any article, animal, or any other thing, the
introduction of which into U.S. territory is
forbidden or restricted under current
510.16 Divine Services
Accessible and appropriate space shall be
provided for divine services. No person shall
conduct himself/herself in a manner that would
interfere with properly authorized divine
510.18 Emergency Equipment
No person shall use emergency equipment
for any purpose other than that for which it is
intended. Emergency equipment includes items
such as battle lanterns, emergency first aid
boxes, shoring, wrenches, life rings, equipment
in life rafts and boats, portable fire pumps, fire
hoses, and fuel for emergency machinery.
510.21 Government Property
No person shall:
a. Conceal or fail to report to proper
authority the loss, removal, destruction, or
damage of government property entrusted to
his/her care or custody.
b. Remove without proper authority from
its regular place of stowage or location, for any
purpose whatever, any article of government
property, including hull and damage control
fittings, first aid equipment, life saving and
emergency equipment, and stores and
c. Have in his/her possession any article
of government property except as may be
necessary for the performance of his/her duty
or as may be authorized by proper authority.
510.27. Intoxicated Persons
a. The officer of the deck or the command
duty officer shall ensure that the medical officer
or a qualified representative shall promptly
examine all persons who return on board in an
intoxicated condition, or found on board
Student Notes: