work situations. Essentially, it is an evaluation of the
training provided by supervisory personnel. It covers
every facet of life aboard a ship or station. Planned
maintenance systems, the functional operation of
weapons systems, damage control and fire fighting,
general housekeeping, and the tactical employment of
the unit are all covered in this evaluation. By means of
close personal association, you can guide, tutor, and
counsel your subordinates. Your personal attention
shows your interest in the quality of their work and
encourages their professional development.
TRAINING EXERCISESTraining exercises
(TRXs) are generally conducted as team training or as
graded formal drills of operational tasks such as a
surface gunnery exercise or a precision anchorage
exercise. TRXs may include one or more divisions.
military training (GMT) is all-hands training covering
such topics as traffic safety, financial responsibility,
drug and alcohol abuse, or career opportunities.
FAST CRUISEAfter long periods in port
(approximately 6 weeks), a ship will schedule a fast
cruise. The purpose is to check equipment operation;
verify watch, quarter, and station bill assignments; and
rehearse emergencies such as man overboard and
abandon ship.
(FTGs) conduct refresher training (REFTRA) to assess
the crews ability to fight the ship over a period of
several weeks.
correspondence courses are self-study media that
provide instruction in a variety of subjects, primarily for
advancement in rate and naval subjects.
NAVY SCHOOLSNavy schools are formal
shore-based schools that provide courses in basic
technical knowledge (A schools) or specific advanced
skills (C schools).
SPECIAL TRAININGSpecial training is any
training having a limited or specific function,
application, or scope. Special training and special series
Navy enlisted classifications (NECs) are not related to
any particular rating. However, training for billets such
as command master chief, the senior enlisted academy,
or recruit company commander is restricted to certain
NEC TRAININGWhen personnel are ordered to
fill a specific billet, they should have the necessary
training before reporting to the command. The
Commanding Officer, Enlisted Personnel Management
Center (EPMAC), is responsible for the effective use of
NEC information in the distribution and detailing of
personnel. All commands must request NEC-identified
billets in their manpower authorizations. They should
also ensure only personnel in proper source ratings are
afforded training in NEC specialties.
EXPORTABLE TRAININGExportable training is
that training conducted through the following sources to
provide training to commands that cannot take
advantage of formal schools:
Instructors from formal Navy schools
Mobile technical units (MOTUs)
Mobile training/assistance teams (MTTs)
Voluntary civilian education is a program that provides
educational opportunities to Navy members who elect
to take advantage of them. It is coordinated by the
Commander, Naval Education and Training (CNET),
and includes the following:
Navy Campus Functional SkillsA program that
helps personnel achieve proficiency in basic
math and English skills
Program for Afloat College Education
(PACE)A program that enlists instructors to
conduct college classes aboard ship
Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education
Support (DANTES)A program that conducts
testing for college credit (SAT, ACT, GRE) at
larger military installations
College Correspondence CoursesA program
established between the Navy and several
civilian colleges that allows personnel to earn
college credit through self-study media
Formal shore-based training courses are a valuable
resource for providing your division with professional
training. Type commanders (TYCOM) require certain
classes of ships or commands to maintain a minimum
number of graduates of particular schools.
TYCOMrequired schools DO NOT include
schools personnel must attend to meet their NEC
requirements. To determine which NEC schools
command personnel need to attend, consult the Enlisted
Distribution Verification Report (EDVR) to obtain the