quarterly training plan will show general military helps prevent misunderstandings between you andtraining, major inspections, and evolutions. The your subordinates.short-range schedule and monthly training plan To ensure completion of work center tasks in(fig. 2-5) show everything your quarterly traininga safe, timely, and professional manner, considerplan shows, including your rate training plans.The weekly training plan (fig. 2-6) identifies thetraining scheduled for the current week.WORK CENTER TASKSAfter completing and receiving approval of thework center schedule, you should set goals anddeadlines for completing each job involved in thedifferent work center tasks. Concentrating on themore immediate day-to-day goals leads to comple-tion of each task on the work center schedule.GoalsWhen setting task goals, include your juniorpetty officers as part of the planning process. Thatsix elements when setting goals for theircompletion: restraintsWork center manningCommand’s operation scheduleOther departments involvedAvailability of tools and suppliesJob-plan revisions because of unforeseenproblemsAny of these elements could cause a task tobe delayed, thereby adversely affecting yourcommand’s mission.Figure 2-5.—Monthly training plan.2-6
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