DeadlinesWhen junior petty officers meet with youregarding work center tasks, set a deadline for thecompletion of each phase of the task as shownon your long-range schedule. View the originaldate as the “carved-in-stone” date for taskcompletion.ChangesAs a supervisor you should keep abreast ofany changes in divisional goals initiated by yourdepartment or command. You should accept newchanges without forcing yourself and your workcenter into a mode of crisis management.When attending department meetings, note thecoordinated efforts of other divisions ordepartments in conjunction with the tasks of yourwork center. Listen for information that couldchange your work schedule, such as situations thatmight cause a work stoppage. Let your superiorsknow if any changes could affect your presentworkload.Check your spaces and the progress of workregularly so that you can give accurate informa-tion about work tasks at these meetings. Yoursuperiors will work with you in easing any changesinto your schedule. Don’t leave a superior blind-sighted because you didn’t take the time to assessthe work being accomplished in your division.Job AssignmentsAside from major jobs, task completionrequires the assignment of some minor, butimportant, jobs. Yet supervisors sometimesneglect those minor jobs as the deadlineFigure 2-6.—Weekly training plan.2-7
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