other schedules are issued. The quarterlyemployment schedule, shown in figure 2-2, showschanges in ships’ operations that could changeeach department’s long-range work plan.Before making your work center schedule,combine information from the command’s annualand quarterly employment schedules and theplanning board for training input.TimelinesYou have one more step to take before youcan develop your work center schedule. You mustdetermine a timeline; that is, the amount of timeneeded to complete the job. You need a timelinefor two reasons:1. To keep an accurate account of theprogress of each task from beginning to end2. To professionally challenge the abilities ofyour junior petty officers and to give them therequired leadership growthTo determine a timeline, decide what the workcenter needs to do the job, such as tools andsupplies. Then decide how much, if any, outsideassistance the work center requires. By doing that,you can estimate the amount of time for the jobfrom beginning to end with relative accuracy.With the help of your division chief, decidethe urgency (or priority) of each work center job.List each job on your work center schedule basedon its priority.You are now ready to perform the final andeasiest phase of completing your work centerschedule—putting the timelines on your schedule.Figure 2-3 gives an example of a work centerschedule. To the right of each job listedon the schedule, draw a horizontal line fromthe column containing the designated startdate to the column containing the designatedcompletion date. That horizontal line showsyour timeline—the amount of time allowed tocomplete the job.Use a pencil to make out and maintain yourschedule because a change can occur withoutwarning. Remember, the work center schedule willhelp you be a better manager. Use it wisely.THE QUARTERLY TRAINING PLANAfter you complete the work center schedule,fill out your quarterly training plan (fig. 2-4). TheFigure 2-2.—Quarterly employment schedule.2-4
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