approaches for completion of one of the majorjobs. Remember the old adage, “An ounce ofprevention is worth a pound of cure”? Don’tsacrifice seemingly less important jobs that arecompleted so often you take them for granted.Neglected too long, those sacrificed minorjobs could become the major jobs on your nextquarterly schedule. Try to achieve a properbalance between assignments of major and minorjobs to prevent your division from falling behindin task completion.Assign challenging jobs to junior petty officersto help them increase their leadership skills, butbe careful not to assign jobs they cannot achieve.Unachievable jobs can make subordinates feelthey have failed and interfere with the meetingof your task completion goal.ResponsibilitySince many evolutions take place within yourdivision at any given time, you need to delegateauthority to your subordinates to help you achievetask completion. However, as the work centersupervisor, you have the final responsibility foroverall task completion.Give subordinates the authority for overseeingjobs involved in completing each task. That willgive them a feeling of self-worth, thereby fine-tuning their leadership skills. To delegateauthority effectively, assign each petty officer tothe job where he or she will do the most good.To develop the leadership abilities of yoursubordinates and improve the efficiency of yourorganization, delegate authority to the lowestcompetent level. Always ensure the authority youdelegate corresponds with the duties assigned.COUNSELINGCounseling subordinates is the most effectiveway to inform them of their standing in thedivision. Counseling on performance and militarybearing identifies both the good and badperformers in your division and provides themeans to correct any deficiencies. Your divisioncan use three methods of counseling:1.2.3.Generate a letter of Instruction or acommand counseling sheet.Make a Page 13 entry in the enlisted servicerecord.Discuss the positive and negative marks onthe Enlisted Evaluation Report.LETTERS OF INSTRUCTION ANDCOMMAND COUNSELING SHEETSYour division officer or division chiefgenerates letters of instruction and commandcounseling sheets and forwards them up the chainof command for review and possible counseling.A counseling sheet notes a discrepancy, recom-mends a solution to that problem, and providesa follow-up date for reevaluation. A letter ofinstruction identifies a number of discrepanciesindividually and gives recommended solutions inaddition to dates for reevaluation.Divisions don’t provide this type of counselingas punishment, but rather as a helpful tool toassist personnel with problems. Letters ofinstruction and command counseling sheets enablethe command to solve problems using writtenguidance.Counseling sheets and letters of instruction arenot entered in a member’s service jacket.However, they may be retained in the member’straining jacket or division officer’s notebook asevidence of improvement,PAGE 13 ENTRY IN THE ENLISTEDSERVICE RECORDPage 13 is the administrative remarks page ofthe enlisted service record used to provide achronological record of significant miscellaneousentries not provided on other pages of the record.You can provide a page 13 entry regarding asubordinate member that reflects good or badperformance or pertains to military bearing. Ifyou provide unfavorable information on page 13,you should have exhausted all other forms ofdivisional counseling. Always give carefulconsideration before submitting a page 13 entryfor unfavorable actions, even though it isconsidered counseling.A page 13 entry can be given for favorableperformance as well as unfavorable performanceand can have a very positive impact on a person’scareer. Figure 2-7 illustrates a page 13 entrycontaining different administrative entries.ENLISTED PERFORMANCEEVALUATION REPORTCounseling is an integral part of the evaluationprocess and helps to give a performance appraisalthe proper perspective and meaning. Counselsubordinates when reviewing their Enlisted2-8
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