You know better than anyone else the natureof the jobs in your work center and the workcenter requirements for the accomplishment ofthose jobs. You can rely on the EDVR to helpyou retain the manpower required and to help youdevelop plans to complete those tasks.stoppages, logistics problems, and losses inmanpower. You must learn how to extractinformation about the command mission fromvarious command resources to schedule yourworkload.Command Operational ScheduleTHE WORK CENTER SCHEDULEYou need to develop a work center scheduleto plan the time needed from the start to the finishof each job. You must plan enough time for eachjob to allow for personnel training, workEvery afloat command in the Navy has anoperational schedule called the annualemployment schedule (fig. 2-1). It lists the plannedoperations, assist visits, inspections, and ports ofcall for the fiscal year. From that schedule allFigure 2-1.—Sample annual employment schedule.2-3
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