Which of the following drugs can
cause the heart or arteries to
burst and cause a massive coronary?
1. Crack
2. Codeine
3. Amphetamines
4. P h e n c y c l i d i n e
Which of the following drugs is
abused on the pretense of weight
c o n t r o l ?
1. Marijuana
2. Methadone
3. Amphetamines
4. Phencyclidine
Abuse of which of the following
types of drugs results in the
appearance of alcohol intoxication,
but without the odor of alcohol on
the breath?
1. Narcotics
2. Stimulants
3. Depressants
4. Hallucinogens
Depressant overdoses, when taken
with alcohol, may result in which
of the following conditions?
1. Death
2. Articulate speech
3. Mellow disposition
4. Keen sense of humor
Abuse of which of the following
types of drugs may result in
reoccurring effects months after
the drug has been taken?
1. Hallucinogens
2. Depressants
3. Stimulants
4. Narcotics
Which of the following indicators
is one of the dangers to the
hallucinogen abuser?
1. A change in sleeping habits
2 . A c h a n g e i n t h e m e n t a l
c o n d i t i o n
3. The physical dependence created
by the drug
4. The unpredictability of the
effects of the drug
Which of the following conditions
is an indicator of a marijuana
abuser presently under the
influence of the substance?
1. Loud and rapid talking
2. Great bursts of laughter
3. In a stupor or seems sleepy
4. All of the above
The effects of marijuana on the
emotions and senses of the user
depend on which of the following
f a c t o r s ?
1. The amount and strength of the
s u b s t a n c e
2. The social setting and expected
e f f e c t s
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. The DNA structure of the user
Volatile chemical abuse is usually
indicated by which of the following
1. Constricted pupils
2. Clear whites of the eyes
3. White substance around the
n o s t r i l s
4. Smell of the chemical on the
b r e a t h
Which of the following personnel
are subject to participation in the
urinalysis testing program?
1. Officer personnel under the age
of 25 only
2. Enlisted personnel in paygrades
E-4 and below only
3. Enlisted personnel only,
regardless of rank or age
4. All enlisted and officer
personnel, regardless of the
rank or age