3-9 .
To save words, clarify ideas, and
provide balance when you wish to
express two or more equally
important ideas in a sentence, you
should use which of the following
types of sentence construction?
1. Minisentences
2. Topic sentences
3. Rambling sentences
4. Parallel sentences
To make your writing more like
speaking, you should use which of
the following writing techniques?
1. Use personal pronouns
2. Use everyday words
3. Use short sentences
4. All of the above
Which of the following writing
practices is the best approach to a
subject when writing a directive?
1. Write in the third person
s t y l e
2. Write directly to a user
3. Write in terms of how to
i n s t r u c t i o n s
4. Write in terms of how to
c h e c k l i s t s
As a subordinate writing to a
senior, which of the following
approaches should you avoid when
setting the tone of the letter?
1. Directing
2. Suggesting
3. Requesting
4. Recommending
Which of the following words hurt
naval writing by stretching
sentences, delaying meaning, and
hiding responsibility?
For economy in writing, you should
use as many abbreviations as
p o s s i b l e .
1. True
2. False
3-15 .
CMEO is an equal opportunity
management system controlled
primarily at which of the following
l e v e l s ?
1. Command
2. Secretary of Defense
3 . S e c r e t a r y o f t h e N a v y
4. Chief of Naval Operations
Which of the following supervisors
supports the Navys Equal
Opportunity program?
1. The one who relates positively
and directly with all people
e q u a l l y
2. The one who only listens to one
point of view
3. The one who stereotypes people
4. The one who feels it necessary
to intimidate some people to
achieve goals
To manage and supervise people
effectively, you must have which of
the following leadership skills?
1. The ability to ignore conflicts
among various groups
2. The ability to listen to and
understand what people have to
3. The ability to place people in
correct racial, ethnic, and
r e l i g i o u s c a t e g o r i e s
4 . The ability to substitute
generalized ideas about people
when you arent sure of their
1. Request you
2. You are
3. I t i s
4 . I a m