supports the coordinated mission and hardwaredevelopment for future space activities. Itcommands and supports the naval space systems,including surveillance, environmental monitoring,communications, and navigation, in support ofnational maritime strategy.Naval Oceanography CommandThe Commander, Naval Oceanography Com-mand (NAVOCEANCOM), directs the NavalOceanographic Program and provides oceanog-raphic technical guidance throughout the Depart-ment of the Navy. The command managesassigned oceanographic activities, includingoceanography; meteorology; mapping, charting,and geodesy; astronomy; and chronometry.Naval Data Automation CommandThe Commander, Naval Data AutomationCommand (NAVDAC), controls and coordinatesthe Navy’s Nontactical Automatic Data Pro-cessing (ADP) Program. NAVDAC works withall Navy ADP claimants to resolve ADPproblems, develop ADP policy and procedures,and approve systems development. It alsomanages the acquisition of ADP service contractsand the purchase and use of ADP equipment.NAVDAC supports ADP technology andsponsors career development and training of ADPpersonnel.Shore Activities Reporting to the CNOThe shore activities shown in figure 1-7 directlyinfluence the ability of operational forces to meettheir responsibilities in a professional manner.Although an integral part of the Navy, the manyother activities that either support or work withthose listed are too many to mention.THE OPERATING FORCESThe operating forces of the Navy are combator combat-support oriented. Combatant andcertain supporting forces are assigned to thecommander of a unified or specified command.Figure 1-7.-Shore activities reporting to the CNO.1-13
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