leader development. NAVLEAD emphasizes thefollowing:Individual commitment to self-improve-mentCommand leader development trainingand opportunities and a positive,supportive command climateFormal leader development training andeducation programsDirect involvement by designated echelon2 commandsNAVLEAD provides leadership trainingfor naval personnel to accomplish the Navy’smission effectively. It also provides leadershiptraining for different ascension levels in thethree warfare communities for fleet and shorecommands.All NAVLEAD courses are based on 16leadership attributes or competencies thatdistinguish superior performers from averageperformers. NAVLEAD courses refer to thosecompetencies as “skills.” The courses em-phasize the knowledges, skills, behaviors, andthought patterns that research has shown todistinguish superior performers from averageperformers.You can find further information aboutNAVLEAD course requirements in OPNAVINST5351.2.THE ROLE OF THE LEADINGPETTY OFFICER (LPO)The division officer normally designates thedivision’s senior chief petty officer or senior pettyofficer as its leading petty officer. The leadingpetty officer aids the division officer inadministering, supervising, and training divisionpersonnel. Those are just a few of the tasks youwill perform when you serve as the LPO. You willalso fulfill the following roles:Technical expertSupervisor• Leader• Advisor/counselor• MentorTo accomplish the above roles, you must learnto use 16 leadership and supervisory skills. Fivesteps support development of the knowledges,behaviors, or thought patterns related to theseleadership skills:RECOGNIZE SKILLS. Learn to recognizedesired knowledges, skills, behaviors, or thoughtpatterns of superior leaders.UNDERSTAND THE SKILLS. Integrate thedesired knowledges, skills, behaviors, or thoughtpatterns into your own way of thinking.SELF-EVALUATE IN RELATION TO THESKILLS. Rate the relevance of the various skills,behaviors, or thought patterns to your own job,career, or life goals and identify specific areas forself-improvement.PRACTICE THE SKILLS. Develop useof the skills, behaviors, or thought patternsby practicing them and receiving feedback onthem.PERFORM THE SKILL. Plan how you canuse the skills, behaviors, or thought patterns onthe job. Envision on-the-job problems, set goalsto resolve them, and develop action plans thatinvolve the use of the proper leadership skills.Learning StylesPeople learn in different ways. The way oneperson learns a skill or how to perform a task maynot be an effective or efficient method for anotherperson.Most people develop a preferred, or dominant,approach to learning by using one or two stylesmore often than others. However, most peopleemploy each of the learning styles, to some degree,often moving from one to the other.To develop effective subordinates, you needto be an effective leader. That means knowingyour own dominant learning style and thedominant learning style of each of your2-2
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