The following chart shows some thoughts and behaviors that are typicalof the three types of social motives:THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOR CHARACTERISTIC OF THETHREE SOCIAL MOTIVESACHIEVEMENT MOTIVETYPICALTYPICALTHOUGHTSBEHAVIORSOutperforming someone elseSetting realistic but ChallengingMeeting or surpassing a self-goalsimposed standard of excel-Looking for performance feed-IencebackDoing something unique Ad-Taking initiativevancing one’s careerTaking personal responsibilityTrying to be innovativeChoosing experts over friends towork withAFFILIATION MOTIVETYPICALTYPICALTHOUGHTSBEHAVIORSDeveloping and maintainingHaving many friendsclose friendshipsTalking to others frequently; writ-Being with others to enjoying a lot of letters; making phonetheir companycallsConcern about separationChoosing to be with others ratherfrom others and wanting tothan be alonerestore relationshipsPutting people before tasksSeeing group activities associalChoosing friends over experts towork withSeeking personal approvalSympathizing, agreeing with, andconsoling othersCommunicating about how othersthink and feelPOWER MOTIVETYPICALTYPICALTHOUGHTSBEHAVIORSTaking strong and forcefulBeing active in the organization’sactionspolitics2-4
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