2LEADERSHIPLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:Describe how to develop a first draft of shift,office, or work center daily work schedules.Explain how to apply leadership and super-visory skills.Describe how to estimate time for accomplish-ment of tasks.Describe how to direct daily work assignmentsusing established time schedules.Explain how to evaluate completed assign-ments of subordinates for quality, complete-ness, and timeliness.Explain how to translate daily work require-ments from immediate supervisor into specificassignments for subordinates. how to evaluate specific assignmentsto determine proper personnel to accomplishassigned tasks.Describe how to coordinate availability oftools, supplies, equipment, and parts toperform required tasks.Explain how to evaluate subordinates’ qualifi-cations to perform tasks.Explain how to recommend formal reward/recognition for subordinates to the immediatesupervisor.Describe how to counsel subordinates onprofessional performance.in an all-volunteer force environment, ensuringWe need men and women who by theirequality for all, ending drug and alcohol abuse,personal integrity, their sense of moraland retaining valuable personnel. Leaders shouldpurpose, and their acceptance of theknow how to analyze these challenges objectivelyrequirement of hard work, will exemplifyand take creative and innovative action to resolvethe best in leadership traditions of thethem.Navy and of our country.—Admiral Arleigh A. BurkeNAVY LEADER DEVELOPMENT(USN RET) (Chief of NavalOperations from 1955 to 1961)The Navy, with leader development goals inmind, has set up a program for its leading pettyofficers (LPOs) and chief petty officers (CPOs).As you strive to become a leader in today’sThis program is the Navy Leader Develop-Navy, you will confront many difficult leadershipment Program (NAVLEAD). NAVLEAD waschallenges. You will have to deal with recruitingdeveloped and designed to support career-long2-1
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