maintains all assigned activities in a proper stateof readiness to fulfill assigned peacetime andcontingency missions.Naval Education and Training CommandThe Chief of Naval Education and Training(CNET) is responsible for assigned shore-basededucation and training of Navy, certain MarineCorps, and other personnel. That educationand training supports the fleet, naval ShoreEstablishment, Naval Reserve, security assistanceprogram, and interservice training programs.CNET develops specific education and trainingafloat programs for the fleet and controls Navysupport for youth programs. This command actsas DOD agent for the Defense Activity forNontraditional Education Support (DANTES)and executes the Navy’s responsibility fordependents’ education. CNET takes part inresearch and development activities to develop andcarry out the most effective teaching and trainingsystems and devices.Naval Legal Service CommandThe Director, Naval Legal Service Command,controls the Legal Services Program. The NavalLegal Service Command provides commanddirection for all naval legal service activities andresource assignments.Naval Facilities Engineering CommandThe Commander, Naval Facilities EngineeringCommand (NAVFACENGCOM), plans, designs,develops, procures, constructs, alters, estimatescosts, and inspects. The command is responsiblefor these functions as they relate to public works,public utilities, construction, transportation, andweight-handling equipment at all shore activities.NAVFACENGCOM acquires and disposes of realestate for the Navy and manages Navy familyhousing. It directs the repair and upkeep of allpublic works, public utilities, and housing ofthe Navy. NAVFACENGCOM supports fleetconstruction forces and provides material supportof nuclear power plants, shore and constructionequipment, cranes, and fixed ocean structures.In addition, this command provides technicalmanagement of shore facility maintenance,environmental protection, natural resourceconservation, and fire protection.Naval Intelligence CommandThe Commander, Naval Intelligence Com-mand (NIC), directs and manages the activitiesof the Naval Intelligence Command. The Com-mander, NIC, makes sure of the fulfillment ofDON’s intelligence and security (related to SCI)requirements and responsibilities.Naval Security and Investigative CommandThe Commander, Naval Security and Investi-gative Command (NSIC), directs naval lawenforcement, physical security, and the DONSecurity Program. The Security Program involvesthe physical security of personnel and information(except sensitive compartmented information[SCI]) and the determination of securityclearances (except SCI). The Command, NSIC,also directs DON’s investigative and counter-intelligence activities (except Marine Corpscombat-related counterintelligence activities).Naval Security Group CommandThe Commander, Naval Security GroupCommand (NAVSECGRU), is responsible forcryptologic and related functions. NAVSECGRUprovides, operates, and maintains an adequatenaval security group. It approves requirements forthe use of existing naval security group capabilitiesand resources and coordinates the execution ofapproved cryptologic programs. NAVSECGRUsupports and controls its shore activities as wellas other activities and resources as assigned.Naval Telecommunications CommandThe Commander, Naval TelecommunicationsCommand (NAVTELCOM), directs and managesthe Naval Telecommunications System (NTS).This command develops plans and programmingfor needed training and manpower in the use ofnaval telecommunications equipment, systems,and facilities. NAVTELCOM serves as theOperations and Maintenance Manager of thoseelements of the Defense Communications System(DCS) assigned to the Navy.Naval Space CommandThe Commander, Naval Space Command,provides direct space systems support to navalforces and helps prepare the naval service for alarger space systems involvement. This command1-12
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