The Vice CNO and the Vice CNOs Assistant,
Directors of Major Staff Offices (DMSOs), and
Deputy Chiefs of Naval Operations help the CNO
carry out these responsibilities (fig. 1-5). Of
particular interest to the enlisted community
is the master chief petty officer of the Navy
The master chief petty officer of the Navy
performs the following specific duties:
1. The MCPONs assignment is to the
immediate Office of the Chief of Naval Opera-
tions. The MCPON serves as the senior enlisted
representative of the Navy and acts as the primary
enlisted advisor to the CNO. The MCPON advises
the Chief of Naval Personnel in all matters about
both active-duty and retired enlisted members and
their dependents.
2. The MCPON serves in an advisory capacity
on various boards pertaining to enlisted members,
including the following:
The Master Chief Petty Officer
of the Navy
In 1966 the Secretary of the Navys Task
Force on Navy/Marine Corps Personnel
Retention recommended the creation of the
office of the master chief petty officer of
the Navy (MCPON), The function of the office
was to provide a direct, unofficial channel of
communication between enlisted personnel and
the senior policy level of DON. With a tour length
set at 4 years, the office was formally set up 1
Board of Managers, Navy Relief Society
Board of Administrators of the BUPERS
Central Nonappropriated Funds
Board of Equal Opportunity for Women
March 1967.
Figure 1-5.-Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.