The Department of the Navy has two tasks.It carries out the first task as directed by thePresident or the Secretary of Defense. That taskis to organize, train, equip, prepare, and maintainthe readiness of Navy and Marine Corps forcesto perform military missions. It carries out thesecond task as directed by the Secretary ofDefense. That task is to support Navy and MarineCorps forces, as well as the forces of other militarydepartments assigned to unified or specifiedcommands. Support includes administrative,personnel, material, funding, and technologicalsupport through research and development. TheDepartment of the Navy is under the control ofthe Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV).The Secretary of the Navy heads theDepartment of the Navy under the direction,authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense.The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for thepolicies and control of the Department of theNavy, including its organization, administration,operation, and efficiency.The Secretary of the Navy assigns department-wide responsibilities essential to the efficientadministration of DON to civilian executiveassistants. These assistants consist of the UnderSecretary of the Navy, the Assistant Secretariesof the Navy, and the General Counsel of theNavy. They are SECNAV’s principal advisors andassistants on DON administrative affairs. Eachcivilian executive assistant has a certain area ofresponsibility. The civilian executive assistantscarry out their duties in cooperation with theCNO, the principal naval advisor and executiveto the SECNAV.THE NAVY DEPARTMENTThe Navy Department aids SECNAV incarrying out the responsibilities of that office. Asmentioned before, SECNAV is responsible, underthe Secretary of Defense, for the policies andcontrol of the Navy. SECNAV’s responsibilityincludes the Navy’s organization, administration,operation, and efficiency. The Navy Departmentcontrols and provides policy and direction for theShore Establishment and the operating forces.The Navy Department, shown in figure 1-4,includes the following organizational levels:• The Under Secretary of the Navy• The civilian executive assistants• The offices of staff assistants• The Chief of Naval Operations andsupporting staff• The Commandant of the Marine Corpsand the Marine Corps Headquarters• The headquarters organization of theBureau of Naval PersonnelLet’s take a look at those offices of the NavyDepartment that could be of interest to you. Theyinclude the Office of Legislative Affairs, Officeof Information, Office of the Judge AdvocateGeneral, and Office of Program Appraisal. Theseoffices are generally headed by military officers.We will also look at the Assistant Secretaries ofFigure 1-4.-The Navy Department.1-6
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