CHAPTER 1NAVAL ORGANIZATIONLEARNING OBJECTIVESLearning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter. These learningobjectives serve as a preview of the information you are expected to learnin the chapter. By successfully completing the accompanying nonresidenttraining course (NRTC), you indicate you have met the objectives and havelearned the information.Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:1. State, in general terms, the duties and2. Describe, in general terms, the purpose of theorganizational relationships between themajor elements of the Navy’s Shore Establishment.Department of the Navy (DON) and the NavyDepartment, the Shore Establishment, and the3. Describe, in general terms, the purpose of theoperating forces.major elements of the Navy’s operating forces.Naval organization is the element of adminis-tration which entails the orderly arrangement ofmaterials and personnel by functions in order toattain the objective aim or goal.—Standard Organization andRegulations of the U.S. Navy,OPNAVINST 3120.32BAs you prepare for advancement to pettyofficer second class, you need to know theorganization of your unit and the U.S. Navy.Your introduction to naval organization startedwith your study of Basic Military Requirements( B M R ) . That manual gave you a goodbackground in unit organization.The first chapter of this manual will give youa good working knowledge of the organizationalrelationships within the Navy. It covers theDepartment of the Navy, the Navy Department,the Shore Establishment, and the operating forces.Memorizing all the different offices, bureaus,systems, commands, departments, and divisionswithin the Navy’s organizational framework isimpossible for most people. Therefore, thischapter discusses only the major parts of the navalorganization. The purpose of this chapter is tohelp you perform your work in the Navy moreefficiently by giving you a basic understanding ofour Navy’s organizational system.EARLY DEVELOPMENT OFTHE NAVYThe Constitution of the United States is thebest framework for government ever workedout by man. The American people believeindependence is the only protection of basichuman rights. Since the rights of the people mightbe threatened from time to time by forces either1-1
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